Brrrrrr! I stepped out my back door this morning with one toe to yell at my yappy pooch and was completely caught off-guard by the frosty chill in the air! Not that I should be...it IS already the 18th of October. Sprout is 11 months old today. So hard to believe. I look back at pictures of myself pregnant, and it seems so surreal already. Was I really that big? Sigh. One more month until her BIG birthday party! We've rented a hall. Our families are huge, and we have people coming in from out of town, so I figured it would be best to just have a super gigantic party - especially for her first one.
This blog will be a short one today, just because I'm venting about something I don't really want to spend much time on.
'J' is for Jealousy
**By the way, if you know where the title for this blog came from, I will give you 500 points. I don't know what you could redeem those points for...maybe a hug?**
We have a dog. I know that I have mentioned her before, in a previous post where I discussed when we got rid of our other, bigger dog. Thus far, I really haven't been able to complain about Roxy. You couldn't ask for a better dog for Sprout! She lets her roll on her, kiss her, hug her, pull her hair and her tail, and she never growls or anything, just looks at me with this disdainful scowl that seems to say "Really? You're just going to let her do this?". I always respond by saying, "Yes. She is the boss of you." This weekend, however, and lately when we have had other people over, we've had a bit of a jealousy issue.
My dog is a female, but she is always trying to...well...*ahem*...dominate everything and everyone that takes attention away from her, if you catch my drift. Everyone always asks me why she does it, and it is purely an act of dominance, and jealousy. Gross still - she 'dominated' Sprout's little friend's head a few weeks back, and I was mortified. So we had a house full of people this weekend to celebrate my 25th birthday, and the whole time, Roxy was either getting in everyone's face, shoving her way in front of Sprout, or trying to 'dominate' our guests AND our baby. Unacceptable. I was so mad, I could have tossed her out the front door to fend for herself. I never would, actually, she just drives me bonkers sometimes.
So while she is a good dog, and very good with Sprout, we've got an obvious jealousy issue that needs to be addressed. I will be watching a LOT of Cesar Millan this week to try and get some solutions. Maybe I'll even send an email. Nobody wants a dog 'dominating' their child when they come to visit, or their leg...or arm...or foot. It's ridiculous. I know they have instincts, but seriously. Ew.
Sprout has her second cold, already, only a week after finally shedding the last snot ball from her first cold. I am battling the same thing, but seem to be doing much better than her. She's got the stuffy, runny nose, chest cough, fever, super flushed cheeks, and a rash on her back and down her arms. Thus, I am not spending much time blogging today, as I fear that her nap is going to be fairly short-lived. I hope you have a wonderful day, and that you weren't bored by my puppy rant.
Brace yourself, Sprout. Mommy's coming upstairs armed with Q-Tips, Boogie Wipes, and Tylenol. Let the hog-tie begin.