Sunday, November 28, 2010


Anyone know what the title of this blog means? I learned a whole multitude of medical terminology pertaining to pregnancy during my massage training - especially when I did further education to specialize in pre and post natal massage. Multipara means a woman who has had multiple pregnancies. Any guesses what today's blog is about?

'M' is for Miscarriages and Multiples

Oh boy. If you've been following my blog, you will have read in the first few about the miscarriage that I had before conceiving and having Sprout. It was a crazy event, and it all took place over the Christmas holidays in 2008 (Sprout was conceived in March of 2009). I won't go into too many details right now, but it was one of the most difficult things I have gone through. There are too many emotions to describe. The one that always comes back to me is how I just wanted them to do the surgery before Christmas because I didn't know how to survive for that extra week knowing I had a dead baby inside of me. It was a horrible feeling. I felt so guilty for wanting it all to be over, but my body was still so very convinced that I was pregnant that I was starting to show, and still feeling sick. Looking back, I probably felt so sick between weeks 6 and 12 because the baby had already died. I say baby, some say embryo. Either way, I know there was a beating heart in there before it died - we had an ultrasound and the baby had a slow-ish heart rate, but they said it isn't that uncommon and can pick up later on. Not the case with us. We were so incredibly blessed to become pregnant so quickly afterwards with Sprout, and that I had a fairly healthy and uneventful pregnancy.

Reflecting now, my pregnancy was really awesome up until I had pretty severe muscle tearing and separation that left me bruised internally and externally along my ribcage on both sides, and down the middle of my already-swollen abdomen. That was at around 25-26 weeks, and I had to go off on modified bedrest (which SUCKED). I ate way too much Haagen Dazs, and got reeeeeally big. Like, bigger than necessary big. Thank goodness I have a decent metabolism, because I dropped the 45-50lbs I gained during pregnancy plus another 10lbs that was still extra from the previous pregnancy that miscarried.

Why am I talking so much about pregnancy again, and not about Sprout and her crazy one-year birthday party? I'll talk about the party when we get to 'P'. Don't get thinking you're all psychic on me now and guess that 'Multiples' means I am having twins...

Multiples simply refers to the fact that WE'RE HAVING ANOTHER BABY!!!! I am so excited to announce that our little Seedling (aka Baby #2) is due June 6th, 2011!! We weren't quite expecting to conceive as quickly as we did this time - after all, the pregnancy before Sprout took a year to conceive, and then it was the FIRST try with Sprout, so we figured it would average out around 4-6 months to conceive this time. We couldn't be that lucky again, right? Wrong!!!! So Sprout and Seedling will be 18.5 months apart, which in my mind will be awesome. I am so looking forward to having a second baby in the summertime! Sprout can still have pool parties, we can go for walks with the pooch, and have fun friend play dates outside. That, and I won't have to bundle up a newborn and a toddler to go out in -30 weather for 6 months.

Don't think I'm a total moron - I know it is going to be a challenge, but I am absolutely up for it. I can't imagine anything better than Sprout having a sibling so close in age. I hope that they grow up to be friends, and not the opposite. Part of me is secretly hoping that I am having another girl, just so she could have a really close sister. On the other hand, I don't know if I would feel like I was done having kids if I had another girl...I don't think I would feel like my family was quite complete without a little boy. Ahhh. Either way, I am so happy to be pregnant again.

Has it been easy? NO!!!! What happened to the pregnancy where I just stuffed my face for 9 months and only spewed once!? I have been vomiting at least twice daily up until the last few weeks, and I have been taking Diclectin, wearing Sea Bands, etc. They all help, just not enough that they completely prevent me from throwing up morning, noon, and night. That's the other thing - it's been ALL DAY sickness, and all night too. It's hard enough to get enough rest without waking up feeling nauseated at 2:30 in the morning when I have to get up to pee. Anyways, enough complaining.

We've been for 2 ultrasounds already (just precautionary due to previous complications, etc.), and I have been on a strict regimen of Prometrium (progesterone), Baby Aspirin (until 34 weeks), and my wonder-drug-Diclectin. Everything looks fantastic so far, and Seedling is super active already! I have a doppler at home and have been checking the heartbeat daily, and it has been exactly what Sprout's was at this stage: between 165-175. Usually it sits at 167/168. It makes me wonder how different two pregnancies could be with two girls, or if the differences this time really do indicate that I am, indeed, having a boy. Ultrasound on Jan 10th, and then we'll see (but we're NOT sharing!). All I will say is the names are chosen, and if I have my way, I WILL be sharing them with friends and family, because I know WAY too many people who are due in May and June 2011, and I don't want anyone poaching my names! My husband is far too picky - I don't know what I would do if our names got 'stolen' just before we had Seedling. Ha. Maybe Seedling would just have to stick!

I'll keep you all updated on how things are going, and any twists and turns this rollercoaster takes over the next 5 1/2 months! Look out, Sprout!! You're going to have to take on the role of BIG SISTER soon! I know you'll be ready for it, and that you will give your new sibling more love than even we can imagine right now. You already give Mommy's baby hugs and kisses, and point Seedling out when I ask you where Mommy's baby is - that is, after you point to yourself and sign 'baby'. You will always be Mommy's first baby girl, and I will love you forever, and never any less once Seedling arrives. My love for all of our family will just keep growing and growing as you grow and grow too. Sleep tight, my little Sprout.

You too, Seedling.


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Kiss Kiss. Love Love.

I'm skipping the letter 'K'. Kind of. I've been so busy getting things ready for Sprout's first birthday party that blogging has been left in the confetti dust and sprinkle fragments in my kitchen. Just a quick little note that begins with 'K'.

Kiss Kiss

Sprout gives the most adorable, slobbery kisses ever, and the one trick that she performs on a fairly regular basis that makes my heart just leap is blowing kisses. When she does it, it is a wholehearted kiss, sound ("MMMWAH!") included. Absolutely priceless, and so sweet.


Sigh. The big 1 is almost here, and I can already feel the anxiety creeping up the back of my shoulders and spine. It is such a bittersweet occasion. On one hand, I am so incredibly proud of her achievements in her first year. She says so many words now that I have completely lost count, and everything that I say to her, she REALLY tries to repeat back to me. She's a little parrot who tries to copy absolutely everything you do. So cute. She has taken one or two steps here and there, but is still a little chicken when it comes to walking - that's totally fine with me! The fact that she can communicate what she wants the majority of the time makes my life so much easier. Walking will just complicate things! Sprout can wait as long as she wants to walk. And run. And fall into things. And scrape her little knees. Sigh. They get too big too quickly. That's the other side of things.

I am so amazed that in the last two years, I have conceived a child, gone through a pregnancy, and raised a beautiful little girl up through her first year of life. Wow. Where does the time go? Really, I'd like to know! I am so proud of her, but there are moments where I just want to freeze time and stay there a little while longer. The nights where I spoil her just a little bit and let her fall asleep on my shoulder in the rocking chair are extremely selfish. I just love feeling the weight of her sleeping body pressed against my chest; the little rise and fall of her back as she breathes deeply; the little sighs she lets out as she falls into a deep, restful slumber. There is nothing more peaceful and angelic than a sleeping child. And as big as she is, as many words as she can say, as much as she is becoming more toddler than baby, when she is asleep with those long dark lashes fringing on her cheeks, she is my baby girl. She is still one hour old, snoozing gracefully on my chest, smelling so sweet and new. I understand now how parents, especially mothers, have a hard time watching their kids grow up and become adults. How am I possibly going to handle letting her go off to college, or travel the world without me? How in the world will I allow her to get her heart broken for the first time? That overprotectiveness we all absolutely hate our mothers for during those pivotal teenage years? I get it now. You just want to protect them forever, and hang onto those sweet childhood and baby moments.

I am treasuring this last week of non-toddler Sprout. Every minute, every second, every hour, every day. She's getting spoiled with lots of snuggles. Once that one year mark passes, it's gone. Bittersweet, like I said. On the up side, her party is going to be spectacular! SO many people are coming, it will be a bit of a crazy event, but she is so lucky to have that many people that love her.

Enjoy this week, Sprout. Know that Mommy loves you more than anything in the entire world, and that I am so thankful and blessed to have you in my life. Even when I tell you to stay out of the dog water dish, I still love you. Remember that.
