Today's blog is brought to you by the letter B. Before I begin, because it's been bugging my brain, a baby that backwards-crawls begs the question: when the heck are you going to learn to go forwards!!? I've always loved alliterations, can you tell? But seriously now, today's letter is indeed B, and I fully intend on finding a topic that goes with my alphabetic theme. Hmm. B..b...b.......b....b. Hmm.
B is for BabySteals.
Because really, what else could it be? If you don't know about www.babysteals.com (or KidSteals, or ScrapbookSteals...), you're absolutely missing out! Every day at 9:00am, they post a new 'steal' for the day. Usually, it's a hot ticket item that is offered at half-price, or even less! I have bought many a steal from them and have been wowed by their awesome customer service, inexpensive international shipping costs, and quick turnaround. My ErgoBaby carrier came from them, and there is NO way I would have been able to afford one at full price. Some of Sprout's favourite toys, like her HABA soft puzzle blocks, have come from BabySteals. I have bought BabyLegs from them, and more recently, a set of cloth GroBaby diapers that are amazing!
Am I a little bit addicted? Yes. Do I have to remember that clicking a button IS the same thing as putting cash in someone else's hands? Yes. But it's really hard sometimes when it's a reeeeeally good steal! It's a great place for picking up baby gifts, like the Lollitop hats that pop up every once in a while, and nice to find things on the KidSteals site for when Sprout gets a little bigger! Anyways, I've been blogging for a while and hadn't mentioned it previously, so I thought I'd give those of you who didn't know about it a BIG heads-up!
Short blog again, but at least it was done sooner rather than later! Now for another B...I'm finding a way to acquire a Bumble bag, Sprout. Not really for you, but to hold all of your beautiful clothes and cloth diapers! Our current Lug bag is just not big enough. Bargains, here I come!