Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Today's Blog...brought to you by the letter...A!

I have decided that I need to have some kind of motivation to keep blogging on a regular basis. Even if nobody else reads it, I find it good to vent...except that I am having a hard time pulling things out of my life to vent about. For my upcoming 'themed' blogs, I am going to do the age-old, easy-peasy alphabet trick. I'm going to write about something that begins with each letter of the alphabet. Am I going to write every day? Probably not. I'll try though, and that (hopefully) counts for something.

A is for Applesauce

The first post is going to be boring. Sorry, but life has been so hectic lately - as it is every summer - that I just wanted to give a few tidbits out on teething tricks that have somewhat assuaged my daughter's screamy days.

I have found that the best things to give Sprout when she is really, REALLY bitey (when she scooches over to me on the floor to bite my feet, legs, arms, etc.) are ice cold applesauce right out of the fridge, and partially thawed frozen strawberry chunks in a mesh feeding bag.

Fruit really seems to hit the spot when she's teething, and the cold variety seems to help a lot with what appears to be frustration (she bites everything and then shakes it while biting - hilarious, but a little too much learning going on from the dog, I fear...)

Please use caution with strawberries, as they are a high-allergenic food. Sprout has been fine with all of the so-called allergenic foods except for dairy, but her cousins don't do well with cinnamon or strawberries so we watched her closely after her first couple of interactions.

Sorry for the boring blog, but life is kind of relaxed and peachy right now. On my way to put more applesauce in the fridge, Sprout. Lucky girl, this time it's a blueberry-apple blend (unsweetened, of course!). Enjoy the rest of your nap!


1 comment:

  1. Good tip! Thanks. Ill have to remember that in 6 months or so.

