Saturday, January 15, 2011


It's been a long time again between blogs, and although I do have a few excuses (pregnancy, flu, baby measles), I still feel guilty. I should be making more time to do the things that I enjoy before I am completely bombarded with a newborn and a barely-toddler!

I'm stuck at home on a Saturday night with a sinus infection (thank you, flu) by myself (my husband is having a drunken slumber party with my brother-in-law and my cousin-in-law), and can't think of anything to do OR write. This brings me to the letter 'O'. What the heck starts with that letter? I can think of some particularly inappropriate ones, which would probably be deemed appropriate seeing as how my blog has 'uncensored' in the title. Ah, well. Maybe...this...

'O' is for 'Olfactory'

Yep. Another one of those nerdy medical words I picked up in school. Do you want to know what's weird? Not being able to smell or taste ANYTHING for days on end. I could literally be eating a piece of dog shit and not know the difference if I was blindfolded. It could be a brownie. Yuck. Even thinking about that makes me want to barf. Pregnancy is supposed to make your sense of smell extremely heightened, which it absolutely was before I got sick. Now, I can eat things I normally don't enjoy (but are good for me...), but who knows how long it is going to last.

One good thing about not being able to smell? Poopy diapers!! They don't normally bother me much, but sometimes...phew! It has been great to be able to change them without making a face or having to hold my breath. That's about the only good thing though. No sleep, not being able to eat properly because I have to chew with my mouth open...those are all things that make me look and feel REALLY classy.

Okay, so this blog officially sucks. I will try to blog more often in 2011, but with the way things have been lately, I think it will be on hiatus again for a little while. I'll think of something clever to write for the letter 'P'. I PROMISE. (Tee hee.)

Sorry, Sprout, Mommy's losing her touch. Maybe it's that sibling of yours eating my brain cells, or all the snot in my sinuses, but either way, I'm feeling a bit moronic myself lately. Time to make some popcorn and enjoy my solo Saturday night pity party. See you in the morning, Sprout.


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