I have always written a little something, usually a letter, on a momentous occasion for both Sprout and Seedling. Today, at 1:17pm, Seedling turned exactly one year old. It has been a rollercoaster of a day for me, and there are a lot of complicated emotions involved. You see, I don't really remember much of the first 3-4 months of Seedling's life. Honestly, I think that I blocked them out a long time ago as some sort of defense mechanism. If I did that, I wouldn't be able to feel the guilt for completely checking out mentally and emotionally during that time period. I wouldn't be able to completely regret the fact that we gave away our family dog because I couldn't handle the extra stress at the time. All in all, it wasn't a happy time for anyone, Seedling and Sprout included.
This year has brought so many new challenges and victories to all of our lives. Seedling overcame the obstacles of his laryngomalacia and reflux (mostly - not completely outgrown but almost!), Sprout overcame the obstacle of adjusting to her life with a sibling in it (she still has her 'moments'), my husband and I overcame the many obstacles that arose and caused havoc in our marriage, and I overcame my postpartum depression (again...almost). I still have my 'moments' as well, but they are fewer and farther between.
It is a happy and wonderful day, don't get me wrong, it just brings up feelings that I haven't felt in a long time. And a whole jumble of them. It's been emotional, to say the least. So, on this day that begins the start of a new year of life for my beautiful, handsome, mischievous little Seedling, I would like to write him something a little bit different. For you, my love, here is a poem:
As I laid you down to sleep tonight
On this, your first birthday
A single tear rolled down my cheek
I could not wipe away
A tear of joy, of pride, of hope
Of sadness, pain, and love
One tear to mark my gratefulness
To the Lord, my God above
Please forgive me, my sweet child
For I have made mistakes
I have always loved you, even when wild
There were moments I thought I might break
Love, you are growing far too fast
Before my eyes, I swear
One inch, another, and then at last
You'll be grown up, sleeping there
I'm savouring all of our moments now
And holding you closer than ever
I'll give you more kisses than you will allow
Our bond will never be severed
I wish I could give you the world today
Anything you could dream of
But all I can give you, do for you, or say
Is that you have all of my love
Close your eyes, little one, go to sleep with the sun
Let the stars serenade you tonight
For tomorrow will begin a new year of fun
And love from your Mommy
Sleep tight
Have a good sleep, little Seedling (and Sprout). I love you both, and you were amazingly well behaved this weekend. Thank you for that. You have no idea how much you both light up every single day.