I know what you're thinking. Really? Two blogs in one day? Just wait for it, there might even be THREE! (Probably not, don't get your panties in a bunch)
I recently began a search for a new double stroller for carting my kidlets around on walks (hahaha...those trendy things), to the zoo (when it's not winter), to the mall (when I'm not broke, which is...never), or just anywhere that Sprout might want to sit down too, in general. Before I had Seedling, I bought a secondhand Joovy Caboose Sit & Stand stroller, anticipating that Sprout would probably want to walk wherever we went, but giving her the option of both standing on the cute little platform and holding the handles, or perching on the little bench seat. It did not work for us. At all. Sprout was mad every single time we used it, because she wanted to sit in the big seat where Seedling was. When we had the infant car seat in it (those stupid gigantic things), the seat had to recline, so if Sprout tried to sit down, she had to lean way forward and she got bonked in the back of the head if we went over a pebble. It was ridiculous. I always ended up carrying one or the other, so I finally decided that something had to give.
Gathering up all the baby-baby stuff from the basement storage was fairly easy, and selling it all proved to be not a big deal either, so then it was time to look for a new double stroller. Here are the ones that I researched:
1. City Select Double Stroller - Avg price of $699 CDN with the second seat: Awesome stroller, very light and compact for a double, with stadium seating and comfortable seats with 5-point harnesses. Unfortunately, for a decently tall toddler, they don't work that well. Also, the perk of having 6 different seating arrangements with the seats is fantastic, but in my opinion, there were other strollers that suited our needs better for way less. And like I said, we are broke.
2. Peg Perego Aria 60/40 - Avg price of $399 CDN: Again, a very awesome stroller. Light and compact, fits through standard doorways, and quite cute for a side-by-side (I find a lot of these to look really industrial and kind of ugly). Unfortunately, this one would not fit in the back of my Sunfire, and the fact that both kids don't have the same amount of room kind of bothered me a little bit. Again, not the right fit for us. I was looking for something under $300.
3. BOB Revolution Duallie - Avg price between $400-600 CDN: Not the right price point, not the right stroller. I don't like the look of these ones at all, but that's just me. I have friends who have this stroller and absolutely love it. If I had twins, maybe, but I think I still would have gone with...
4. Kolcraft Contours Options II Tandem - Avg price between $190-300 US, incl. shipping and taxes. Not available in Canada. Anywhere. Must be ordered online, or scavenged for on Craigslist or Kijiji. Or hauled back from a vacation: Okay, so I was completely blown away by this stroller. After finding one on Kijiji for $250, and realizing I could buy a new one on sale from Amazon.com (not .ca people, they don't carry them) for $191 plus $10 shipping, I had to go for it. Let me give it the full review it deserves, interjected with a few pics.
Review: Kolcraft Contours Options II Tandem, 2011 Model (Colour: Tangerine)
Price: $191 US plus $10 CDN for shipping from www.amazon.com
Weight: With seats attached, appx. 50 lbs; without seats, appx. 40 lbs.
Can accommodate two children up to 40 lbs each, and seats very easily interchange to both face the parent, face each other, face back-to-back, face forward, with an infant car seat, or with the front seat only and the rear open for storage. Both seats can also recline, and have swivelling cup or snack holders.
Comes with one infant car seat attachment, but additional is sold separately so the stroller can accommodate twins. (All the spare parts on this stroller are incredibly inexpensive - only $25 for an entire replacement seat). Also includes extra-large storage basket below seats, iPod speakers and docking station, large and sturdy parent drink holder/organizer with ventilated cup holders, adjustable canopies and footrests for taller toddlers, walking handles on both sides for toddlers, and Free Stand™, which allows for the stroller to be folded and stand upright on its own.
Okay, whew. Those are the specs. Anyways, here are my thoughts after taking it out for a spin with both kids. Keep in mind, it is winter in Alberta, and the sidewalks are still fairly icy and slushy although it has been unseasonably warm these past few weeks.
What I love:
- It is SO easy to rearrange the seats. Literally, push the 2 little buttons on either side, lift, and it's out. That, and they are extremely light. Both my kids loved all of the different seating options, but they especially liked facing each other.
- It FITS in the back of my SUNFIRE. Yes, I have to take the seats off and stack them on top, but they are light, and it makes the stroller fit. Enough said.
- It turns and corners like a dream. Even on icy wheelchair ramps.
- The iPod speakers are fantastic - they even have a little mesh pocket to put the whole contraption in. Sprout was delighted that she got to listen to her music while we walked. She sang the whole time.

- The canopies really do adjust well, as do the foot rests. Sprout is in the 75th percentile for height, and she has lots of room to grow. Her feet will not be dragging on the ground anytime soon, unlike a few of the other strollers we perused.
- 5-point harnesses are a must for me, for both kids. I don't want any wigglers wiggling their way out onto the pavement. Headfirst. Plus, the padding on the harness and headrest is extremely plush.
- They don't mention it in the specs, but there are these 4 awesome toddler steps on the stroller that allow for an older child to climb into the seat him/her self. Such a fantastic idea.
- That storage basket is GIGANTIC! I could go for groceries with both kids in the stroller! (Not going to, but you get the drift)
I could go on and on. It pushes easy, feels light with both kids, etc. The best part? They both loved riding in it. That was the biggest thing I was looking for. Ahh. Now for the cons.
What I wasn't so bananas about:
- Non-pneumatic tires. Kind of a win though, because I will never have to fill them. On icy pavement, they are fine, but this is not a stroller I would push through a snowy field or anything. Not that I would, I have a wagon for that, but that is what some people look for. Not an off-road model.
- The fact that I won't be able to stick Sprout in this until she is 4. Seriously. I just love it that much.
- Only one colour option. Not like it mattered, really. For some people, maybe, but I just don't care - as long as I love the stroller, it could have been puke green covered in candy-apple red and pink squiggles. In other words, I have had an extremely difficult time finding something that I really don't like about this stroller.
So there you have it. This is my review. I think that for the amount that I paid for it, this is way nicer than some of the very expensive models out there. Having the different seating options was the biggest draw for me, because Seedling screamed every time I put him in that stupid other stroller and he faced away from me. Now, he can look at me and his sister, and we don't have any problems at all!

Love you, little peanuts. Glad you like your new sweet ride. Even if you didn't, you wouldn't be getting another one. Let's not kid ourselves.
This one doesnt have a standing option for an order child does it? I'm thinking of buying the graco ready two grow, but this one(contours optime) looks great too